
A piece of Heaven..

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Check out what I got from Parkson in Sungai Wang..

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Take a closer look..

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Yeap, pieces of heaven were on sale at Sungai Wang. 50% off too!! What a bargain!!

Haha, it's actually a funky photo frame that looks like this..

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You put 3 photos in it, then you place in the glass cube.

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Then now you can only see 1 photo from 1 side of the cube..

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Funky leh?

Xin, Crissy and I bought it together, the cashier lady must think that we're all so jakun..

Haha, one more for all the cat lovers out there!

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So adorableeeeee...

This is Xin's cat, Meeko. It's more like the most aggresive cat I've ever come across. Haha. Don't be fooled. Cute but deadly..

0 noodle(s) ordered!!: