
I love Mark Tremonti!!~

Monday, June 19, 2006

Just came back from Taipan after guitar stuff shopping. Went there to get some strings and Fast Fret for some of the guitar class students. I was overjoyed when i actually found parking right in front of RHB bank, since I had to withdraw some money. The Music Walk was only a short walk from RHB too! It was a modern day miracle if you ask me. Unfortunately The Music Shop was closed of all days. (Whyy?...) Reluctant to leave my parking space I decided to walk to The Acoustic Shack in Taipan Business Center to see if they stock strings and stuff.

The place really has grown in 3 years. I used to visit the shop once a week before Bible Knowledge lessons. They have a pretty range of guitars in stock, electric, classical and acoustic. A few effects pedals too. They even stock PRS guitars! Ah.. the Tremonti SE they had was so gorgeous.. *drool*.. Should have stayed to try it out.

The Mark Tremonti Model is much more prettier though, I'm in love with the fret design.. ah...

I spent RM103 at The Acoustic Shack. (TT.TT) Had to withdraw money again from the bank after that.

Raymond's class was great. The guy is awfully skilled, he made Amazing Grace sound heavenly with his seasoned classical guitar. He sure knows what he's teaching. According to his evaluation I'm musically inclined (Thank God.. my hands were shaking playing for him) but my foundation could use some work. We're gonna work on my improvisation for awhile. My homework for this week is to arrange Silent Night my way. Gah.. His chords were so funky and jazzy, I feel so shy with my playing skills in front of him, Haha. Hope I can pull this off..

I have the feeling that I've seen him before. I wonder where...

Celina wants to go clubbing tomorrow since today is her birthday. *sweat* None of us have gone before. Wonder if I should go.. Happy Birthday Celina!!

P/s - Jon ah, he teaches bass. In fact, he's really passionate about bass. Haha. Learn under him la. He's a pretty good teacher. =)

0 noodle(s) ordered!!: