

Friday, June 30, 2006

Raymond recommended to me some multitrack recording program to try out. I decided to give it a go since Audacity has some latency problems, the tracks are never in sync with each other.

The program is called the Kristal Audio Engine. It's looks so much more 'canggih'er and more professional lookin than most other free programs I've seen. It has it all!! 16 tracks to mess with, built-in effects, a full blown mixer!! So awesome..

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Kristal also boasts low latency performance, so that your recordings will be nicely in sync with each other without manual editing and labor. =) It works best if you have a good sound card with ASIO support. I had bad latency problems when I tried using it at first because of my laptop's mediocre sound card, but with the right drivers all the problems were solved.

I totally recommend this to all especially to those who play instruments of any kind. It's so fun to play around with. Good practice too. It's only a 3Mb file. =) I've always wanted to do a cappella harmonizing with myself. If only I could harmonize, haha.

We re-recorded Crissy's Freely Winged again using Kristal. The results were much better compared to our previous one, she even harmonized with herself. Haha! Jon, I'll send it to you again ya! I wanted to post the song here but it's in WAV format, thus making it about 30 Mb in size. =(

How to convert it to mp3 ah?..

0 noodle(s) ordered!!: