
Women are better in gaming?!

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

I thought this would be interesting to people like Liesl, Kat and Xin. =)

I quote..

WOMEN play computer games more than fellas — and are BETTER at them.

Two-thirds of those aged 25-43 play regularly, compared to 35 per cent of men, claims a poll of 2,000.

Psychologist Susan Quilliam said multi-tasking-women were better at problem solving. She said: “They are more intellectually prepared than men.”

- The Sun, 1st May 2007 -

Haha, it all makes sense now. No wonder Xin totally whooped me in Quickspot. And that explains how Kat can play Zoo Keeper until the wee hours in the morning. She must be putting in many hours in her "Baby". =D

Women may be better gamers, but nothing beats good ol' raw unadulterated kiasuism. I think Jon is a shining example. =D 20 sums in 11 seconds.. Madness..

1 noodle(s) ordered!!:

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