Another 4 days to Finals, sigh.. Give me enough single core wire from the electrical lab and I could very well hang myself... So much to prepare, I pray that I'll make it. Do remember me in prayer..
It's scary how the fate of thousands of ringgit depend on a 5 question paper that will only last for 3 hours. *shudder*
Not to mention juggling the Youth Outreach event as well. LORD, give me strength..
Having the grace of a plank of wood, acting isn't exactly my forte.. But I'm hopeful that it'll all work out. =)
An item to Praise God for! The drum synth circuit actually worked!! =D In my eyes, it's a modern day miracle. Not to mention it all happened 10 minutes before the lecturer came to us to review our circuit. All those hours at the lab were worth it after all. What a joy it was to see the result on the computer screen. =D The very same graph we saw days ago then our circuit was working momentarily.See the blue shaded part? That's the stuff euphoria is made of. =D
We panicked, at least I did. 10 more minutes before the lecturer come and we just blew something. Quickly, we tried to figure out what could be wrong. Micheal then took out one of the IC chips and tested it along with a few other IC's we had. His suspicion was right, we just blew one of our op-amps.
Rushing back to our circuit, we placed our last and only working op-amp back into the prototyping board. While Micheal was wiring it up, I was bracing myself for the worst. I didn't expect it to work, not at all..
Miraculously, we heard that feint twanging sound we heard so many days ago. Looking at the computer screen, we saw the exact graph we wanted.
It felt as if we just landed a man on the moon..
Taking the circuit apart after presentation felt very therapeutic. =D I must say I enjoyed taking the components apart a little too much. Still, I couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness of taking apart something we've worked so hard on. As a souvenir I kept one of the LED's that we bought from Pudu. I'm not sure why myself, Haha. It looks like a small piece of rubbish sitting in the car.
Something to remind me of that little miracle God has done I suppose. =)
On a side note, Jonnnnnn... I miss you la.... xD Ahahahaha.. Friday nights is just not the same without Gaming Night. Lol.. Itchy for Golden Axe III! And me and Ken have a game to introduce to you! Really kiasu game! Hahaha. Don't we Ken? =D
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Posted by Justin Currynoodles Lee at 1:29 AM 0 noodle(s) ordered!!
University Rants..
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Exactly two weeks without posting, my apologies.
Well.. my Finals are in exactly 2 weeks as well..
Ah? 2 weeks.. Coincidence??
Can't fully blame me either, there were days I wanted to update. On those days Blogger decides not to let me update. Sigh..
The week has been murder. I have 5 assignments due tomorrow. FIVE!! What are they nuts? Can't they leave us alone to study for our final papers?? No wonder the failing rate for E&E engineering is through the roof..
Tomorrow so happens to be our presentation day for our drum synth circuit as well. The darn thing caused us plenty of misery.. It has not shown any signs of functioning until about 3 days ago, when my lab partner somehow managed to obtain a soft but obvious beat sound coming out of the speakers. Heck, it sounded more like someone twanging a rubber band but we didn't care. We were just glad it finally worked. Much celebration followed..
However, our joy was short-lived. The next time we tested it, it didn't work at all. After spending hours troubleshooting we've only managed to obtain a small output (indicated by a blinking LED) but no sound was to be heard. =(
Sigh... God knows how many hours we've put into that thing. Sigh.. we can only hope for the best tomorrow.. Who knows, maybe it'll sing again..
Couldn't find anything better from Google.
Volume One of Heroes has finally come to an end.. I felt it could have been better. Oh well.. So looking forward to Volume 2: Generations! =D Unfortunately as Alvin mentioned it won't be out till September.. Sigh... By then I'm already halfway through my second semester.
In the meantime, Soo Hwa has passed me Ouran High School Host Club to watch.. Guess it'll do while waiting for Heroes..As gay as it looks I found one of the episodes to be really entertaining. So random, my kind of humor. =D
Well, that's all the time I have. Back to assignments for me..
Posted by Justin Currynoodles Lee at 8:27 PM 0 noodle(s) ordered!!
Celebrating 100 posts and counting!!
Thursday, May 10, 2007
According to blogger, this would be my 100th post.
100.. wow.. =D
The Noodle Shop - Celebrating a hundred posts!!
See Crissy!! This is NOT a hangat-hangat tahi ayam thing!! =p
Gah.. Up till now, Photobucket is still not working well.. Sigh. Guess I'll have to stick with Bloggers image uploading service.
Kill the fattened calf!! =D I've just finished tidying up this beast of a circut..
It's our Electronics mini-project, a drum synth circuit! Haven't tested this bad boy yet. When given an electrical signal of over 3 volts, it's supposed to give off a drum sound. Can't wait to give it a shot! We're hoping that when we apply a periodic sine signal into it, it'll give us that "oonst oonst oonst" rhythm. xD
My fingers were sore after using a pair of scissors as a wire-stripper. Darn lady in the hardware shop conned me! The wire-stripper she sold me is better of as a nail clipper. No wonder she gave me a discount..
As a pat on the back to myself, I raided the fridge and found this..Ahh.. Reminds me of the days things used to be so simple.. =)
Haha, I had a good laugh with this one. Think fans of the old school Mario series will find this funny. Poor Luigi!! Didn't know he attempted hip hop! Lol..
Posted by Justin Currynoodles Lee at 12:08 AM 0 noodle(s) ordered!!
I hate you Ammar...
Sunday, May 06, 2007
A MG rover 2 seater convertible, for 50 thousand..
A gorgeous 1.8L turbo for 50 grand..
Celina called me a minute ago, telling me if I wanted to see something cool. She told me they were on the way to my place.
Lo and behold, a shiny sports car drove in and parked in front of my house at 11.30 in the evening.
As of this moment, I reallyyy don't like you Ammar.. Lol..
Apparently his uncle (who owns 3 Ferrari's and 5 planes btw..) sold it to him rather spontaneously after they failed to find a nicer car for him. 50 k..
Ammar told me he's rather eccentric as well. He once had a fantastic modified Mini Cooper which cost him 400 thousand in total. His friend liked it a lot, so he offered it to him for 40 thousand. 40!!!!
Before they went off, Ammar told me his uncle still wants to sell off his Mazda Miata for 40 thousand, probably less...
What are my chances if I sell off the Honda City and beg my parents on my knees I wonder.. Lol
Posted by Justin Currynoodles Lee at 11:35 PM 0 noodle(s) ordered!!
Nouilles de cari
Wow.. I've churned out 4 posts in 4 days. I'm on a roll man..
Well, a bad time to be on a roll really. Less than 4 weeks to my first final paper. ECE2061 - Linear Electronics. *Shudder*..
My friend actually told me that he thinks the subject is fascinating. (me in response: WHAT?!?!) Half the time I have no comprehension on the words that come out of Miss Rini's (actually, Dr. Rini) mouth. Then again, my friend IS a 100% scholarship student with a 92% average.
He has saved our butts quite a few times for the last 2 semesters. Brilliant guy.. Great teacher too. He has helped us fathom the many mysteries of mathematics and engineering.
Then again, it must be stressful being him. For one thing, Monash only provides the scholarship if your performance is up to par. If he gets anything below a 90% average they'll reduce the scholarship they're giving him. Imagine the dread he must feel when group projects don't come out so hot.. Poor guy.
It seems to be a trend to put up a few words of some foreign language in MSN nicknames lately. Judith has "Dio e Fidelel" beside hers. Another pal has "Carpe Diem" beside his. Yet another friend, Aish has "la Cappy de la Nior".
All sounds pretty canggih.. Though I don't have a clue what they mean.
So using AltaVista's Babel Fish, I decided to make my own.
---- "Rodillo picante del atún.." ----
What does it mean you might ask?
Spicy tuna roll.. *grin* In Spanish in fact!
And how about "Nouilles de cari"?
Currynoodles in French. Amazing what technology can do these days huh? =)
Posted by Justin Currynoodles Lee at 10:12 PM 0 noodle(s) ordered!!
Saturday, May 05, 2007
Went for jogging with Hannah again today. Unfortunately I also went for steamboat dinner with Ammar and Celina. Talk about one step forward, two steps back. Lol..
Flaming at Sunway is getting better!! And the charge of RM17.50 per person is now inclusive of drinks! Pretty cheap for a "eat all you can, drink all you like" steamboat if you ask me. Not to mention the ice-cream there is in abundance unlike Talipon.
Nothing beats that black-sauce chicken in the other steamboat place in Sunway though.. Haha, awesome stuff..
It's always nice following Ammar and Celina out for a meal. There's always something funny to talk and laugh about. It's times like these I'll try to catch up with them. I miss the usual gang so badly, Kin Leong, Han Yee, Anton and all. I treasure all the many wonderful memories being classmates with them for two whole years. The holiday trips, the sleepless nights at my place doing projects, either building newspaper bridges or calculating the resultant sheer stress acting on our truss beam.. Haha. Oh how I miss it all.. =)
And I gave it all up just to do Electronics and Computer Engineering? Sigh.. I should have chosen Mechanical Engineering..
Posted by Justin Currynoodles Lee at 12:52 AM 0 noodle(s) ordered!!
Women are better in gaming?!
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
I thought this would be interesting to people like Liesl, Kat and Xin. =)
I quote..
Two-thirds of those aged 25-43 play regularly, compared to 35 per cent of men, claims a poll of 2,000.
Psychologist Susan Quilliam said multi-tasking-women were better at problem solving. She said: “They are more intellectually prepared than men.”
Haha, it all makes sense now. No wonder Xin totally whooped me in Quickspot. And that explains how Kat can play Zoo Keeper until the wee hours in the morning. She must be putting in many hours in her "Baby". =D
Women may be better gamers, but nothing beats good ol' raw unadulterated kiasuism. I think Jon is a shining example. =D 20 sums in 11 seconds.. Madness..
Posted by Justin Currynoodles Lee at 10:27 PM 1 noodle(s) ordered!!
I just HAD to post this..
Blake's rendition of Bon Jovi's "You Give Love a Bad Name" was FREAKISHLY MIND-BLOWINGLY AWESOME!!
Tina and I couldn't help but squeal as we watched. His singing was superb, his beat-boxing was phenomenal! Had to pick up my jaw from the floor when it was done, we were pretty much drooling all over the floor..
So leng chai sommore!! lol..
Posted by Justin Currynoodles Lee at 8:41 PM 0 noodle(s) ordered!!