
Bless you Tim Berners-Lee..

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Ah... Blessed internet. Oh how I've missed thee.. Now I'm starting to think that I'm too attached to my laptop. Haha..

I borrowed my wife (laptop) to Xin for the weekend to do her Flash work since Adobe Audition doesn't work properly on her house PC. She only needs it on Monday so I took it back. I've never actually realized how much I use my wife. The small things from just playing music in my room to searching for chords on the looknohands website. Maybe a fast from it will be good for me. Painful, but good.

Coz I'm leavin' on a jet planeeee...

To Datin Lee Ee May: We'll miss you Datin!! Haha!! I tried putting in a photo but PhotoBucket seems to be having problems. Take care of yourself and have a blast in Adelaide!! =) Be sure to update your blog ya!! Study hard and may your experience in Australia be an enriching one!! Continue to grow in the Lord and shine for Him!

She left to Australia 3 hours ago. I drove to KLIA at 130km/h just to see her for 15 minutes. Haha.. It was well worth it. Went to Klang for mamak with Xin, Joshua and Sean after that.

Subang won second place in the Bible Quiz!! Congrats to all the team members who worked their backsides off to study for the quiz. Once again Agape Chapel got first place. We should have brought the padi poms. Haha!!

World Cup Finals are tomorrow!! A few of us are gathering at my place to watch it on Monday morning. I feel like a bad influence to all the school going people. =p Those who want to join us just tell me okay? =D

0 noodle(s) ordered!!: