
MSN concert

Monday, October 01, 2007

After a wonderful week of mid-term break, uni resumes the operation of its evil establishment tomorrow.

I decided that I would spend the holidays to just relax, rejuvenate and recharge. Get some stuff done, but mostly to rest.

With the stressful uni life returning to normal, the blues doesn't get any worse than this. Not to mention a lab report due Monday, tomorrow. xP

Then again, Kee Ken and Yeng sure know how to brighten someones evening. =D

The both of them entertained me with they rendition of "All out of love" by Air Supply over MSN Messenger. I am however not allowed to piece the song together using Adobe Audition and share it here with all of you. xD

Thanks Ken and Yeng for making my day. =D It was really a fun listen. Apparently now I owe them a duet with my sister. Wonder if she'll participate, lol.

Well, back to work then. A-simons a-simons. =)

0 noodle(s) ordered!!: