
Batman and Wolverine!!

Monday, November 13, 2006

Two great movies in 3 days. How I love the holidays. =D

The Prestige

Brilliant. Just brilliant..

This was mind-blowingly awesome!! Definitely a must-watch before it leaves the cinema. =D All I expected was a rivalry thing between the two magicians. What a plot..

It was so hilarious that we were referring to the characters as Batman and Wolverine. =D Haha, find out who the cast are and you'll see why.


Death Note

Another really cool movie. =D It certainly exceeded my expectations since I didn't expect a movie adapted from a manga to be so good. Now I'm dying to get my hands on the manga. =D

Wish I could say more but I won't want to spoil the fun those who haven't watched. =)

And one more thing, anyone wants to join me and Kee Ken's Counter-Strike: Source games? =D We play over Hamachi which is a LAN emulator. The latest patch for the game is brilliant!! Do drop by the Cbox if you're interested. =)

0 noodle(s) ordered!!: