
Of boo boo's and procrastinating

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I made a massive boo boo today. >.<

I'm so sorry!!

Lately I noticed that if I'm thinking about something, say, "I need to fetch Tina from uni in an hour", I'll accidentally say words that relate to the thing I'm thinking about. For example, accidentally calling Xin who's sitting beside me, Tina.


Just in case you were wondering, that example was not the boo boo I made, haha.

I am procrastinating.

Need to do research on which is more suitable for my project, MiWi or ZigBee.

Okay. time to hit the PDF files.

1 noodle(s) ordered!!:

Anonymous said...

MiWi.. or ZigBee...


Sounds like names I could give to little hamsters