Earth Hour!
So nice of them to have it in Malaysia this year!
Reminds me so much of my time spent in Aussie! We played mindless group games outside in the cold while Earth Hour was on. :D
It's so much easier to participate in Earth Hour when you all you own is a single light switch in your room, lol.
Mary is super happening man. She knew what Earth Hour was and started turning off lights around the house at 8.30pm.
Super semangated too! She turned off every single light in the house and lit a candle for downstairs. Lol!
"Macam kampung!" she says. Haha.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Posted by Justin Currynoodles Lee at 6:31 PM 1 noodle(s) ordered!!
Labels: Earth Hour, Musings
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
I was accompanying Hao Zhi in the cafeteria the other day. I wanted to get a snack and he needed to wait in the cafeteria for Monash Swimming Club members to pass him their photograph for the club membership card.While randomly looking through the photos he already has, it reminded me of Australia and a culture there that I found interesting.
To register to live on campus we had to fill up a form and attach 2 photographs of ourselves. Our photos were then later seen in a master list of everyone who lived in Richo Hall.
All international students (us Malaysians for example) had pictures like the above. Studio photos of us looking straight into the camera with a nice shirt on and a blue background at the back.
The funny thing was, you could easily distinguish an Australian from the list just by glancing at the picture.
Because they were Facebook pictures!
Forget the serious face and the blue background! Most of them gave a picture of themselves partying somewhere with a funny hat on and a drink in hand. In some pictures you can see half a person beside them, cropped off the photo to be used for application purposes!
It came across as strange at first, but clearly the idea is brilliant! At least they know that the photo they gave of themself looks good! We have to use the photo we took at the studio regardless if we looked like the rear end of a horse.
So I told all that to Hao Zhi. He gave a laugh and then said, "Something like this?"
He took out 2 photos from the plastic bag he had beside him.Lo and behold, there it was! A Facebook picture!
No surprise where the owner of the photo is from! Hahahaha!
And you can even see half a guy in the photo! What did I tell ya? xD
Speaking of culture..
While rounding around the uni's parking lot looking for a spot, I couldn't help but notice why the cars in front of me that passed this certain parked car kept waving their fists in the air and curse in anger.
Then I passed the car.
I certainly felt like waving my fists in the air!What are you BLIND?! Ayoooooooooooo!!
Posted by Justin Currynoodles Lee at 9:11 PM 4 noodle(s) ordered!!
Of boo boo's and procrastinating
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
I made a massive boo boo today. >.<
I'm so sorry!!
Lately I noticed that if I'm thinking about something, say, "I need to fetch Tina from uni in an hour", I'll accidentally say words that relate to the thing I'm thinking about. For example, accidentally calling Xin who's sitting beside me, Tina.
Just in case you were wondering, that example was not the boo boo I made, haha.
I am procrastinating.
Need to do research on which is more suitable for my project, MiWi or ZigBee.
Okay. time to hit the PDF files.
Posted by Justin Currynoodles Lee at 8:34 PM 1 noodle(s) ordered!!
Yet another appendicitis case
Thank you all for your prayers. He's fine now, back at home and recovering slowly.
If you didn't know, Judson has been having abdominal pains since he came back on Saturday from Temerloh. We went to the docs and he suspected Jud ate something bad. He did however warn us that if the pain moved to his right side it could be appendicitis.
True enough the next day the pain moved to the right side and we took him to the hospital. We was diagnosed to have an inflamed appendix and had surgery to remove it the very same day.
He's back at home now, walking around like nothing happened. What a punk. Haha! =)
Jud told me that he will get his appendix in a jar soon. Lol.. Like Simon said, another chapter to add to the already very thick book that is Judson. xD
Posted by Justin Currynoodles Lee at 8:21 PM 0 noodle(s) ordered!!
Saturday, March 14, 2009
The greatest mysteries of man are often understood at a mamak stall in a late hour, a cold glass of iced Milo in hand and with 3 other buddies to spend the evening with.
What better place to learn life's lessons from?
For the first time in my tertiary education ever, I have an ENTIRE DAY OFF!
Of course, it's only because there's no fixed timetable for thesis work.
But still! A day off!
Which I'll be spending in uni anyway for research and lab work..
Stress la, and it's ONLY week 3!
Can't wait for the the holidays! Plans are already being made, lol!
Posted by Justin Currynoodles Lee at 12:28 PM 0 noodle(s) ordered!!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
We just got the results.
Our Final Year project allocations.
Basically, I'll be working on the topic given to me for an entire year.
We submitted 5 topics, in order of preference.
I had my eyes on one.. My first preference.
"Remote Control of Home Appliance Using Mobile Touch Screen."
It sounded so magical!
I had everything figured out, what features I wanted to implement, the way I wanted to approach development. Heck, I had an entire Gantt chart worked out in my head.
But I didn't get it.
Darn you Marcus!! lol.
Oh well, it could be worse. Could have gotten my 5th choice instead. Happened to a friend of mine. Poor guy.
So the topic I'll be working on for an entire year is..
"Home Security and Climatic Control with Wireless Sensor Networks"
It's not the topic that's bad, it's more that the lecturer that's supervising the project has a different approach to supervising compared with other lecturers.
Sigh, Lord.. I believe you wouldn't have given me this topic if you knew that I couldn't handle it. I have to trust that your ways are higher than mine.
I have to trust.
Posted by Justin Currynoodles Lee at 10:00 PM 2 noodle(s) ordered!!
Thursday, March 05, 2009
After 6 long yet hilarious hours in Jon's room messing with our instruments, his voice and Adobe Audition, we were finally able to reap the fruits of our labor!
Presenting!.. Our bad day. xD
As tiring as it was, what a fantastic way to de-stress. Especially after worrying over my Final Year Project. Nothing like music to soothe the soul.
Feels like the slowest week ever. Guess that's what happens when you suddenly jump back into uni after a 4 month holiday.
Posted by Justin Currynoodles Lee at 12:23 AM 1 noodle(s) ordered!!