

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

It's been awhile. There's so much to do for uni.. Sigh.. No major updates, just another game recommendation to entertain the people. =)

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Game of the day : Neon

I've always loved the classic Asteroids. This is how I've always dreamed Asteroids to be. Since the mouse is used to control your ship, Neon has a much faster pace compared to the traditional asteroids. It gets rather frantic at the later levels though with a dozen opponents swarming around you. I didn't like the fact that the power-ups didn't last very long. There is a good variety of opponents though, which is good. I hate those blue round ones which deflect your laser beams right back at you when their shields are on. Haha..

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Hot Rocks on the other hand plays and feels more like old school asteroids. The nice addition to Hot Rocks is the arsenal of power-ups that you can get by docking to the space station. The shields in Hot Rocks reminded me of the random teleport button in the GameBoy version of Asteroids. Haha, it was always fun to escape death with the teleport. If you're lucky that is. Haha! =D

Gah, I saw the music video of Ronan Keating singing 'Iris'. Haha, so weird.

Iris shall always remind me of Simon, without fail everytime I listen to it. Lol...

0 noodle(s) ordered!!: