
Beef or Chicken?!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

This is dedicated to Crissida "Nonsense-girl" Wong.

The question remains!!

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Wah, just revamped. So canggih now..

It is finished!!

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Dear Daphne Lee,

After a sudden burst of inspriration and 40 minutes of research and development, Ju Wei and Xin² Sdn Bhd are proud to present this to you. =)

I'm pretty sure you'll love this.. =D Hehehe...


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Xin: Fuyoo Daphne.. Macho man..

"It is finished!!" Lol lol lol..

All roads lead to Kajang...

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Mr Simon Sim, I so want to borrow The Afters. Please give it back to church right away. =p

A picture's worth a thousand words. Lets start this post with four thousand words.. =D

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Dear Daphne, Xin is editing photo with photoshop as we speak. =D hehe..

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The mini mountain of fries!!

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Feel the fatness!!

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My cousin Chi Mei invited us (Kee Ken, Chui Yeng, Tina, Judson, Xin and I) to the "We will rock you" musical at Cempaka Private School (Cheras) on Friday. Unfortunately for us, we never made it to Cempaka.. Despite having a map, we got hopelessly lost along the way and drove aimlessly for a good 2 hours. We even reached all the way to Putrajaya!! Lol.. Sesatt..

Kee Ken drew up the map to the place because his printer is not working. Upon coming home I checked the schools website and saw the map for myself. It was somewhat funny..

It seems that we didn't even arrive to the point where the map starts. *sweatt..* (see figure 1)

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(Figure 1)

Lol... Guess it was because the drawn map didn't have the landmarks. Haha.. What to do. =) But not all was lost!!

Fortunately, Tina had a back-up plan. She suggested we go watch One in a Million live in Syah Alam. So we then turned back towards Syah Alam to watch One In A Million at Sri Pentas 2. Luckily for us we only missed 1 performance. =D And we got in just in time to watch Faizal's rendition of L.O.V.E.!! =D

I was totally blown away by his version of the song. Who knew that song could be sung by a guy?! Haha!! What a show!!

Not everybody liked it though. I know Leonard and Crissy didn't.. *glare..* =p

The journey to Syah Alam from Putrajaya was hilarious. No matter which direction we went, the road signs all say Kajang is in front of us. (O_o) Haha..

To end the day, we went to pig out for supper at McDonalds!!

(see pictures above)

So much fries!! Haha!! =D

What a day is was. My foot was sore from driving..

Bless the inventor of automatic transmission..

1.2 Terrabyte hard drive??!

Monday, August 14, 2006

Firefox has been crashing too often already. I just reinstalled the latest version. Hopefully it doesn't happen anymore, especially not while i'm blogging. Haih..

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On the brighter side, Sean passed me his cassette adapter since he doesn't use it anymore!! =D I've been looking for this for ages.. What a bliss to enjoy 1Gb of music in the car, compared to listening to the same CD over and over again. haha! Goodbye forever CD's!!

Rudi's crazy man.. a 1.2 terrabyte hard disk.. terrabytes.. crazy..

They play Queen at KFC

Friday, August 11, 2006

Haha, they played Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody at the KFC in Jusco, Klang. Of all songs..


Cosmic Funk Express!! We love you!!

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Three words...


What a blast the Jazz Fest has been..

A few of us went over to Crissy's place last night for a surprise birthday for Hannah. Happy Birthday Hannah Banana!! =D I'm quite she was surprised.. We being the professional nonsense people we are.. =p

The look on her face was priceless..

"Oh my gosh....." Haha!~

I'll update with photo's once I get my hands on some.

We then devoured the fabulous dinner that was prepared by Crissy and Auntie Lee Ching. Oh glorious lasagna, beef pasta, giant sausages and Otai burgers.. lol.

But the fun was just beginning..

After eating our hearts out, chatting, opening presents and laughing like lunatics we proceeded to Mont' Kiara for the SUNRISE JAZZ AND RHYTHM FESTIVAL!!

(insert picture of Jazz festival here)

Haha, be patient. Pictures will come.

As always the fest was amazing, packed and crowded. It's amazing how many people you bump into at the jazz fest. You feel so happening and cultured. Haha..

Then there was them..

(insert another picture of Jazz festival here)


Such fantastic musicians. The guitarist Zach just blew me away with his jaw-dropping display of speed, emotion and skill. I couldn't help but laugh aloud when they played the medley of Fantasy Impromptu and the Super Mario theme song. Haha, what a show. I could have stayed there all night.. =)

Good musicians do two things. They amaze us and make us drool buckets in awe, and they also have an uncanny ability to make us feel dreadfully untalented wishing never to play our beloved instruments ever again. =D Haha.. (ref: Simon Sim)

But ultimately those two things should inspire us to practice more, develop and polish our talents and skills that God has blessed us with. These guys show you where you stand in your music and lead you towards the path of playing better, and hopefully making other people drool buckets with your mad music skillz in the near future. =D More importantly, using them for His glory..

I definitely know I need so much work. With the many talents I see every other day like Jon, Raymond and Daryl, I don't need superb fantastic demi-god guitarists like Zach to show me where I stand. There's so much room to grow.

It's a tough road, but I'm enjoying every minute of it. =)

I'm sure Simon was definitely inspired. We was doing research on jazz guitar and experimenting with new drum stuff the very next day. lol..

Why?! OH WHY???

I was halfway typing a pretty long post when suddenly..


Firefox suddenly crashes, taking my long update together with it..


The many trials us bloggers face..

Back to the drawing board..


Tuesday, August 01, 2006

It's been awhile. There's so much to do for uni.. Sigh.. No major updates, just another game recommendation to entertain the people. =)

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Game of the day : Neon

I've always loved the classic Asteroids. This is how I've always dreamed Asteroids to be. Since the mouse is used to control your ship, Neon has a much faster pace compared to the traditional asteroids. It gets rather frantic at the later levels though with a dozen opponents swarming around you. I didn't like the fact that the power-ups didn't last very long. There is a good variety of opponents though, which is good. I hate those blue round ones which deflect your laser beams right back at you when their shields are on. Haha..

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Hot Rocks on the other hand plays and feels more like old school asteroids. The nice addition to Hot Rocks is the arsenal of power-ups that you can get by docking to the space station. The shields in Hot Rocks reminded me of the random teleport button in the GameBoy version of Asteroids. Haha, it was always fun to escape death with the teleport. If you're lucky that is. Haha! =D

Gah, I saw the music video of Ronan Keating singing 'Iris'. Haha, so weird.

Iris shall always remind me of Simon, without fail everytime I listen to it. Lol...