
Webcam fun!!

Friday, February 02, 2007

As of today, I am once again a full-time bum. =D

Yesterday was my last day of work at Micro House. Its been quite a month. =) I'm glad I took this job. It wasn't an easy job but I believe I've gained the experience I wanted. I've gained a little knowledge on the business world, some extra computer and IT skills and also a little more con persuasion and communication skills.

Oh, not to mention the extra +12 Feet Endurance bonus. =D

And on my last day, as a pat on the back to myself.. I got myself this!

A 1.3M pixel webcam! At staff price too!! Only 60 bucks!! =D

Goodbye then Micro House! Till next time.. Thanks to everyone there who have been so good to me. To Mr. Chu for the job in the first place, Mr Low, Joseph, Encik Abu, Yeoh Shi, Wang Ai, Peter, Keong, Chee Fai and Josh. Thanks for everything! =)

Now that I'm no longer bounded to MidValley, I can finally send the car for a check-up. She's already 1200 kilometers due. Not to mention finding sponsers for the upcoming Prefects reunion dinner. I'm supposed to approach Dominos Pizza and Monash Uni tomorrow. Guess this is where the con persuasion skills come in.

I followed Xin and her classmates video shooting today. They're doing a documentary of Little India, Klang.

It was pretty interesting though I wasn't directly involved. I never knew taking videos were so hard. I always thought it was just a matter of pointing and shooting. For a 7 minute film, they were there for at Little India for 12 ENTIRE HOURS! 12!. I was only there for half of the shooting (as a pack mule) and it was already crazy.

They even woke up at 5.30 to catch a sunrise scene and to record the shop owners opening their stalls.


But it was all worth it in the end. The bloopers were awfully entertaining. =D The people there were really nice too, participating and helping us in the video shoot.


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

A few of us watched this last year, these guys are HILARIOUS!! They do something they call "shut-up comedy". Please tell me ASAP if you want to go! I'm trying to round up a few people to watch this. Just ask Kee Ken or Daphne! It was well worth it!!

Check out the website for more details.

0 noodle(s) ordered!!: