
Battle Plan

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Howww.. How???

I have to finish my thesis, prepare a presentation, finish a 20 percent programming assignment and another assignment in LABVIEW.

How long? 2 WEEKS!! Howhowhow??

First, a plan must be devised.

20 Sunday - OMNeT
21 Monday - OMNeT
22 Tuesday - OMNeT
23 Wednesday - OMNet + Thesis @ Night
24 Thursday - LABVIEW + Thesis @ Night
25 Friday - LABVIEW
26 Saturday - THESIS
27 Sunday - THESIS
28 Monday - Finish up labview
29 Tuesday - THESIS
30 Wednesday - THESIS
1 Thursday - THSALDSA
2 Friday - TH*&#%
3 Saturday - Presentation
4 Sunday - Presentation

I'll have absolutely no trace of a 'life' during the next 2 weeks.

Rebuke me if you see me facebooking or MSNing or reading Kotaku, Gizmodo, Lifehacker, Joystiq.

In words of Muse, "Our time is running out."

2 noodle(s) ordered!!:

Titus said...

To be able to be "facebooking or MSNing or reading Kotaku, Gizmodo, Lifehacker, Joystiq" while having such a crazy schedule is called a pro.

To have a plan on how to be pro is even more pro.


kam*yu said...

So what was Sunway Lagoon on the 29th called?