

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Yong Hsin, this is for you. lol. In your style of putting up MSN chats.

Xin's house is located in a nice quiet part of Klang. Right beside her house there is this small padang (field) she used to play in.

Now.. every other night a car will arrive and park beside this padang, which positions them between the padang and Xin's house.

The car comes to a stop, the engine turns off, and begins to.. for lack of a better word.. bounce.

That's when Xin's maid will exclaim to the house..

"Ada wayang!!"

Within seconds anyone within earshot in the house will be at the window facing the field. =P

And it's not just ONE car. Protons, Kelisa. That place is a hotspot.

Lol.. ayooooo...

3 noodle(s) ordered!!:

Titus said...

Bouncing is normal.

But lining up to bounce?

Malaysia is quite cool after all!

Justin Currynoodles Lee said...

Lol.. sometimes the car comes more than once on the same day! Afternoon one session and at night another one. Crazyyy.. lol.

ezralimm said...

heh, dogging is catching on in msia?

it's about time >:-}