

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Photobucket is still dead. =( Haven't been able to access it in awhile. Guess I'll rely on Blogger for the meantime.

Hannah and I have started jogging regularly now. (I would guess some readers would have fallen of their chairs now in shock.) We have decided we didn't want to be fatties anymore. xD So now we jog 3 times a week, 30 minutes a day..

For those who don't know, my tummy has become so prominent it was given a name. "Matthew"..

Don't ask.. I really don't know why myself..

Well, little by little, I hope to bid Matthew farewell for good.

Or as Hannah would put it, "More like good riddance."

So currently, we jog round and round this patch of land. For those who know where this patch of land is, give yourselves a pat on the back. =) No prize though, sorry. Maybe Ken can sponsor some hmmm? =D

So I've measured the diameter of the circle to be approximately 75 meters. So after doing some math, we are able to find the circumference of the circle using the formula πd, d being the diameter of the circle. (feels awfully like typing a lab report.. lol)

Anyway, long story short.. 1 lap around the track would be about 235.7 meters. We usually do 7-8 laps in 30 mins so that would total to 1.5 - 1.8km each session. Haha, I think that's not bad. Nothing compared to John's 3-4 km runs though.. Lol.

Cut us some slack, we just started. :) You wait John...

0 noodle(s) ordered!!: