Justin, how come your eyes are so red?
Hah? Really? Very red ah?
Yeah.. quite..
Note to self, never leave electromagnetic lab reports to Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Slept at 3 something because of the darn thing. Not to mention I had to wake up at 7 the next morning to finalize my Maths assignment to be handed in by 9am. *darn you math lecturer! couldn't you wait till the afternoon or something?* 3 hours of sleep... *sob sob*..
It didn't help that MATLAB and Microsoft Word runs a little sluggishly on my lappie. Waiting for the graphs to be produced took forever.. Apparently before I went to Singapore I forgot to shut down my laptop, thus it was running for 4 entire days straight. After returning from the trip, there's this weird smell of melted something everytime I use my computer. I'm pretty sure I fried something, it doesn't seem to run as fast anymore. Then again, it could be just me..
Think I'm coming down with a fever. Took a 2 hour nap in the evening, but i still feel awful.. Better go to bed early tonight to sleep things off..
I stumbled apon my old folder of drawings back in secondary school.. It's dated 2004. Wow.. 3 years already?!

Haha, so appropriate for today's post.
I kinda miss drawing..
0 noodle(s) ordered!!:
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