It's been awhile. My wife is back in Xin's hands. So for now I'm having a laptop fast until Thursday. I don't think it's really working because now I'm playing the Playstation more instead. Haha, I didn't know Playstation games now are so cheap. 10 bucks for 4 games, what a bargain!!

Out of Jon's recommendation I got myself Konami's Winning Eleven 10. So the next Winning Eleven title will be Winning Eleven 11? Kakakakaka... =p I'm looking forward to see what Jon, Chuen and Arvind can do in the game. My goals are still either basic ones or flukes. Haha..
It's post World Cup fever I suppose, playing football games after the World Cup has ended. =)
We watched the final game at my place. Simon, Kee Ken, James, Jon, Jin, Crissy and Jane came over. Too bad Hannah was too sick to come. The poor girl had food poisoning earlier that day. Get well soon Hannah!! Thank God the TV didn't break down during the game. The first half was great! Both teams were playing well, you were almost certain Italy would score with a corner kick after so many near misses. Too bad it wasn't the most exciting of matches after the second half. It was like Italy was under France's mercy.
And then this happened..

The news seem inconclusive on what exactly Materazz said that made Zidane headbutt him. Theories range from his wife to his mother.. Poor Ee May, she must be so heartbroken about her Zizou.
Buffon can't catch penalty shots for nuts man. Haha.. Thankfully Trezeguet struck the bar. Yay Italy!! =D
Before the match we went to Shanice's birthday party. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHANICE!! Despite not having an extra change of chothes I was dragged out of the house (literally) into the water fight. Jeans soaked up with water are not very light.. It was fun though, I had a blast. =) I still have a scar on my forehead thanks to Eileen for swinging the bucket towards my face. haha!! So ganas man..
Gonna watch Superman Returns tomorrow!!
"Kau umpama.. merpati putih.."
4 noodle(s) ordered!!:
wah!! we've got another follower jon!! hahaha... you should come by when we both play la... and join in the fun.. it's like madness crazy giler babi funness man.. hahaha.. one day la since you're still on holidays right? take care bro..
Haha!! Chuen!! =D my holidays ending already ah sadly.. Tell me la next time you guys meet to play.
Wait a sec!??!
Are you ACTUALLY HAPPY Italy won!??!
WHat atrocity!?!??!
Oh! My poor ZIZOU!!!!
Ahahaha... =D Come la! Tomorrow's more or less my last day of holiday. I'm looking forward to it! lol.
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