This guy is a genius..
I'm not sure about you but as a kid I used to play with the layer of oil on my soup, combining smaller circles together into bigger circles of oil. Now with technology we don't need a bowl of soup anymore to experience the pointless fun we had back in the good old days..
Go on, go play with some soup.
Do-fi Blog also offers many other simple yet very entertaining games and toys to play with in Java. SAND SAND SAND is one of those toys to play around with. It's difficult to explain what SAND SAND SAND is like. Try it yourself, you'll either hate it or love it.
Another worth trying is WAR OF THE HELL where you try to pull (or fling) people to heaven with your magical string. Think it's based on a chinese folk tale.
Oily Soup..
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Posted by Justin Currynoodles Lee at 12:10 AM 2 noodle(s) ordered!!
Back 2 skool blues..
Saturday, July 22, 2006
What a week it has been. How I miss sleeping in late and bumming.. Haha. Guess I'm still getting used to university life all over again. The first week is still not too bad since tutorial and lab classes don't begin until the 2nd week. Gah.. The worst is yet to come.
I'm not very happy with my results last semester. I know I could have done slightly better. Therefore I'm working much harder this semester. University fees are not cheap..
I was wondering the other day how working life will be like, earning for a family and sustaining them. I can't imagine myself in that position at all, it's only a matter of time. I can't even imagine being half as successful as my dad is. The mere thought of it scares me. Haha, even my mom asked me why I was thinking of such things at my age. Too much free time for my mind to wander between classes I guess..
Then my mom ended the conversation with this; "It doesn't matter how well you do in the future, just do your best. The important thing is that your relationship with God is right and everything else will fall into place."..
Matthew 6:33 - But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
Such a simple yet wonderful promise!!
Thanks mom.. =)
It's been an eventful Saturday. The morning started with Tina following Christina for some audition at a studio in SS18. Ken came along to support and to carry Tina's water bottle. Haha.. We did 2 acoustic songs from Michelle Branch. I doubt we'll be called back, haha! Adam (from malaysian band DragonRed) was just being nice to us in my opinion. Oh well.. we had fun. =) It was more for the experience..
Next was the trip to the Doulos!! Sadly I didn't find any books I liked. I wanted to get this super cheap devotional guide that Xin bought from the Doulos earlier but I guess it was sold out. Bah.. Too bad I missed the music section too. Heard there was a good guitar book. Sigh...
Jon on the other hand found jems among the mass of CD's on the Doulos. He got 2 great CD's for 8 bucks each!! What a steal.. Jon.. I want to rip. =p
Then came this..
Haha, the college group outing today was a steamboat dinner. I'm still bloated from the noodles and all the fish balls. Haha!! Since we wanted to aviod the wastage fine we had to eat the mountains of food that we took. It was so painful having nonsense people like Kat Tan and Racheal making you laugh on a full stomach.. Crazy.. I'm so traumatized. Haha!! =D I won't eat steamboat in a very very long time..
To close this post.. Don't you think Lucas looks like a certain rock star?
Lol... It's a beautiful dayyyyy....
Posted by Justin Currynoodles Lee at 10:48 PM 0 noodle(s) ordered!!
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Another game recommendation.
Game of the day: Warbears!!
Probably the one of the cutest puzzle Flash games I've seen in awhile. The graphics style is awesome too. Certainly a memorable game. Give it a go!
Posted by Justin Currynoodles Lee at 10:01 PM 1 noodle(s) ordered!!
Still down with football fever..
Now I'm sure it's truly football fever..
I was going through my sister's CD collection in her room. I never knew she had the movie on VCD. So I watched it on Friday night..
It's one of those movies that made you wish you could play football. Haha..
On the very same day, Jon and Chuen came over to play Winning Eleven. Crazy man.. Such skill.. I got whooped by Jon. The only time I scored against him was when I took a shot and the ball deflected off the goalkeepers hands into the goal. Haha.. Other than that I wasn't even able to get anywhere near the goal.. Need more practice.
It was fun to watch them play a co-op game together. Argentina against Germany. Haha, such chemistry they have.
Ken came over today to try it out. I'm starting to think I suck pretty bad at this game. Despite being completely new to Winning Eleven was able to own me 2 - 0 on one game. Haha..
You wait Ken.. You wait... =p
Games with the ability to make civilized individuals shout and howl like madmen in excitement and euphoria don't come very often. =) Truly awesome..
University is starting again tomorrow. Gah.. I'm not ready!! It was a great 1 month break. Sadly it's all over.. Back to Uni for me.. Praise God for my results for last semester! Thankfully I did okay for my math. This semester there's no trace of math to be seen!! Celebrate!! Kill the fattened calf!! =D
I bought my stationaty and supplies for tomorrow already.. Bring it on...
Posted by Justin Currynoodles Lee at 8:59 PM 2 noodle(s) ordered!!
"I'll always be around.." Fuyoo..
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Eee.. The moon is so strangely big and orange. So sureal man.. It looked like some photoshop edited background while I was driving back. Wanted to post a photo but my camera couldn't do it justice. Oh well..
I finally watched Superman Returns!! =D Definitely a must see!! I won't bother writing a review since Mr. Tan has already written 2 (very long) reviews for it. Haha.. I enjoyed the movie very much. Since today was the opening day for Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest, there were only like 10 people watching Superman today. So sad, I felt so outdated. Haha..
I can't believe they made a DOA: Dead or Alive movie. How can they possibly pull this off?! I shudder even thinking about it. Gah.. The whole hair dyed purple thing does not work very well in real life.
Ghost Rider looks cool. However after watching National Treasure on HBO last Wednesday I can't imagine Nicolas Cage playing Ghost Rider. Guess we'll have to wait and see.
Posted by Justin Currynoodles Lee at 11:07 PM 0 noodle(s) ordered!!
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
It's been awhile. My wife is back in Xin's hands. So for now I'm having a laptop fast until Thursday. I don't think it's really working because now I'm playing the Playstation more instead. Haha, I didn't know Playstation games now are so cheap. 10 bucks for 4 games, what a bargain!!
Out of Jon's recommendation I got myself Konami's Winning Eleven 10. So the next Winning Eleven title will be Winning Eleven 11? Kakakakaka... =p I'm looking forward to see what Jon, Chuen and Arvind can do in the game. My goals are still either basic ones or flukes. Haha..
It's post World Cup fever I suppose, playing football games after the World Cup has ended. =)
We watched the final game at my place. Simon, Kee Ken, James, Jon, Jin, Crissy and Jane came over. Too bad Hannah was too sick to come. The poor girl had food poisoning earlier that day. Get well soon Hannah!! Thank God the TV didn't break down during the game. The first half was great! Both teams were playing well, you were almost certain Italy would score with a corner kick after so many near misses. Too bad it wasn't the most exciting of matches after the second half. It was like Italy was under France's mercy.
And then this happened..
The news seem inconclusive on what exactly Materazz said that made Zidane headbutt him. Theories range from his wife to his mother.. Poor Ee May, she must be so heartbroken about her Zizou.
Buffon can't catch penalty shots for nuts man. Haha.. Thankfully Trezeguet struck the bar. Yay Italy!! =D
Before the match we went to Shanice's birthday party. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHANICE!! Despite not having an extra change of chothes I was dragged out of the house (literally) into the water fight. Jeans soaked up with water are not very light.. It was fun though, I had a blast. =) I still have a scar on my forehead thanks to Eileen for swinging the bucket towards my face. haha!! So ganas man..
Gonna watch Superman Returns tomorrow!!
"Kau umpama.. merpati putih.."
Posted by Justin Currynoodles Lee at 4:17 PM 4 noodle(s) ordered!!
Bless you Tim Berners-Lee..
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Ah... Blessed internet. Oh how I've missed thee.. Now I'm starting to think that I'm too attached to my laptop. Haha..
I borrowed my wife (laptop) to Xin for the weekend to do her Flash work since Adobe Audition doesn't work properly on her house PC. She only needs it on Monday so I took it back. I've never actually realized how much I use my wife. The small things from just playing music in my room to searching for chords on the looknohands website. Maybe a fast from it will be good for me. Painful, but good.
Coz I'm leavin' on a jet planeeee...
To Datin Lee Ee May: We'll miss you Datin!! Haha!! I tried putting in a photo but PhotoBucket seems to be having problems. Take care of yourself and have a blast in Adelaide!! =) Be sure to update your blog ya!! Study hard and may your experience in Australia be an enriching one!! Continue to grow in the Lord and shine for Him!
She left to Australia 3 hours ago. I drove to KLIA at 130km/h just to see her for 15 minutes. Haha.. It was well worth it. Went to Klang for mamak with Xin, Joshua and Sean after that.
Subang won second place in the Bible Quiz!! Congrats to all the team members who worked their backsides off to study for the quiz. Once again Agape Chapel got first place. We should have brought the padi poms. Haha!!
World Cup Finals are tomorrow!! A few of us are gathering at my place to watch it on Monday morning. I feel like a bad influence to all the school going people. =p Those who want to join us just tell me okay? =D
Posted by Justin Currynoodles Lee at 12:33 AM 0 noodle(s) ordered!!
Prison break!!
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Just fantastic.. I'm down with a slight fever and a bad throat. I would be okay if I got sick because I stayed up to watch football. Unfortuantely I felt too lazy to get out of bed last night so I decided to miss the game. Now I'm sick, I should have watched the game. Haha..
My sis actually got up to watch the match. 'Semangated' weh.. Too bad Germany lost. She said she went to my room to wake me up but I was sleeping like a log. Lol.. =p
Despite sickness I shall watch tonights game!! Don't want to watch it alone though. Must call a few people.
I got the first 5 episodes of Prison Break!! Muahahahaha.. Thanks dear!! =)
Posted by Justin Currynoodles Lee at 8:12 PM 1 noodle(s) ordered!!
Song of the day: Lifehouse - Breathing
Gah, I wish I had better ears for chords. I'm so easily contented with basic chords and sounds that I'm missing out on so much more.. Sigh. I must not be so easily contented with what I hear. I shall improve!!
Raymond wanted to see what Kristal could do so I showed him Crissy's Freely Winged. He was impressed with Crissy's skills. =) He was even more impressed with the Dm chord that Jon suggested to put it. Sigh.. Jon ah.. How do you do it? So skill..
Finally found a good free program to convert those huge WAV files to mp3's. Found a good tuner too while looking. haha. I managed to convert Crissy's song to mp3. Now I'm looking for a good place to host the file. Anyone knows of a good place?
2 hours to the Germany vs. Italy match!! Too bad I'll have to watch it alone this time. So sad.. haha.
Posted by Justin Currynoodles Lee at 12:22 AM 1 noodle(s) ordered!!
The Japanese are geniuses!!
Monday, July 03, 2006
Game of the day: Dice Wars!!
Simple yet so addictive! You'll play this until you win at least one game for sure. Pretty simple to understand, after a few rounds you'll understand the concept. Risk fans will catch it quickly. Too bad there's no multiplayer..
The japanese are geniuses!! Lol!!
Posted by Justin Currynoodles Lee at 1:05 AM 0 noodle(s) ordered!!
Friendship First!!
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Wow.. It's pouring outside. Thankfully no lightning, still can update.
We wonnnnnn!!
For the first time in Subang history, we finished second in the Under-23 category of captainball and first place in Ultimate Frisbee!! What a joy it is to win for once in Copa Iba!! =D
Kudos to those who played in the teams! Have to give a hand to our dedicated cheerleaders as well!! We seemed like the most 'semangated' bunch out there, going from place to place to cheer for our 3 teams and screaming our lungs out.
We believe it was the padi poms that contributed to our boost in performance in this years Copa Iba. We will make like, 7 for next year!! The gold will be ours!! Muahahahahahaha....
Being human, it's only natural to have that kiasu spirit in us. Copa Iba can bring out the worst in us. However, it can also bring out the best in people. I'm glad uncle Stephen introduced the phrase "Friendship first!!". It reminds us that we're representing Christ in our actions and words and that we're all on the same team!
Thank God for the few lives saved this year!! =) Copa Iba is worth having even if only one soul accepts Christ!
Too bad though, I was really hoping that Subang will nab the gold. Unfortunately, Bangsar whooped us. Haha.. They were good, really good. =) Not to mention we lost Chuen and Daniel during that match. Haha, oh well.. it's alright!!
The fight against Syah Alam (2nd place winners last year) was kind of bittersweet. I'm happy that Subang won, but at the same time I can't help but feel that maybe Shah Alam should have won that game. There were those goals that they should have received. Of course they were upset about it. I would be too if I were them.. Despite victory we didn't cheer loudly with screaming and jumping.
I knocked out at 9pm that night, haha. 11 glorious hours of sleep. The night before Copa Iba I only got 3 hours of sleep, thanks to Argentina and Germany. Why?? Oh, why Argentina?? John, Leonard, Jane, Crissy and Hannah came over to my place to watch the game that night. Most of them were asleep downstairs or in Tina's room by the second half, Haha.
I'll never ever complain about waking up early for Copa Iba ever again. The church from Ipoh left their church to come to RRIM at 2am!! Poor souls.
And finally to end this post, this is for you Ken! XD
Posted by Justin Currynoodles Lee at 11:50 PM 5 noodle(s) ordered!!